The Apple Festival Grand Parade is one of the longest in Illinois with fire engines, marching bands, floats, visiting royalty, horses, and many other unique entries. Over 100 units make this parade truly GRAND and are enjoyed by thousands of residents and visitors each year.
Len Novara
Ron Manwaring
Crain Funeral Homes, Bryan & Stacey Crain
Lilly Rudolph
Kyren Duane Lee Adams & Marcella Haney
Line-up: 9:30 AM
Parade Steps-Off: 11:00 AM
Awards for Floats: Conclusion of parade after votes are tallied
Awards for Bands: Conclusion of Drums at Appletime
WHERE: Downtown Murphysboro
Line-Up: by unit number around Mboro Middle School
Marching Bands Line-Up: Longfellow Park
Parade Route: Walnut Street from 21st Street to 7th Street
Awards for Floats: Announced on Socials and listed here
*Grand Parade Chair will also contact winners via email*
Awards for Bands: Murphysboro High School's E.L. 'Doc' Bencini Field
EVENT CHAIRS: Debbie Glodo & Bob Hall
Submit your application by email to:
Debbie Glodo -
Please include the following information:
This email will serve as your application. When all four pieces of required information listed above have been received, your application will be confirmed by email.
Contact Debbie Glodo
Marching Bands interested in participating in the Grand Parade and/or Drums at Appletime®, please visit the Drums at Appletime® page for more information.
The Murphysboro Apple Festival has implemented enhanced cleaning and sanitizing procedures and has added additional handwashing stations and sanitizing stations throughout the Festival grounds. Please follow all recommended guidelines while attending the Festival in order to keep it fun and safe for everyone!