2020 Events Postponed. Join us September 15-18, 2021. Click here to view the announcement.

Prince & Princess Contest Voting


Vote online for your favorite Prince & Princess Contestant or vote for them all!

$0.01 = 1 Vote

Voting ends Friday, September 13th at NOON!

Minimum amount to vote online is $1.00 and up in $1.00 increments.

To vote: use the Contestant drop-down box to choose your Prince or Princess, then arrows in the number box next to "Add to Basket" button to increase your vote amount in $1.00 increments.

Example: choose contestant "Jane Doe" from the Contestant drop-down, then choose 5 using the up arrow. Click "Add to Basket" to vote $5.00 for Jane Doe.

To vote in person with cash: please visit The First Bank & Trust Co. of Murphysboro during normal business hours to place votes in each contestants' canisters, located in the main lobby.

SKU: prince-princess-vote Categories: ,

Additional information


Alivia Ali, Remmi Jo Howard, Serenity Jordan, Finley Jayne King, Cole Lattan, Esmae Lee, Kenzley Kae Mileur, Lorelei Mileur, Grethel Ruiz, Fayelynn Pearl Simpson, Brantley Stoops

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