Additional information
Contestants | Gianna Anderson, Raya Davis, Kaidan Dillow, Zuri Finch-Hernandez, Jazmine Hamilton, Greyson Kupferer, Adalyn Olsen, Wrenley Parker, Elliot Rice, Jessie Smith, Wrenleigh Tate, Alana Ticer, Abel White, Silas Wright |
Vote online for your favorite Apple Blossom Contestant or vote for them all!
$0.01 = 1 Vote
Online voting ends Sunday, September 8th!
Minimum amount to vote online is $1.00 and up in $1.00 increments.
To vote online: use the Contestant drop-down box to choose your Apple Blossom, then arrows in number box next to "Add to Basket" button to increase your vote amount in $1.00 increments.
Example: choose contestant "Jane Doe" from the Contestant drop-down, then choose 5 using the up arrow. Click "Add to Basket" to vote $5.00 for Jane Doe.
To vote in person with cash: please visit the Murphysboro Apple Festival Office during office hours - Tues/Wed/Thur, 11am - 1pm.
Contestants | Gianna Anderson, Raya Davis, Kaidan Dillow, Zuri Finch-Hernandez, Jazmine Hamilton, Greyson Kupferer, Adalyn Olsen, Wrenley Parker, Elliot Rice, Jessie Smith, Wrenleigh Tate, Alana Ticer, Abel White, Silas Wright |